Collective publication Surrealism
Violette Nozières.
Bruxelles, Editions Nicolas Flamel, 1933. (Dépositaire à Paris : José Corti). 19,5x14,5 cm, pp.41, b/w ill., original wrappers. Unopened copy, fine condition
First edition of this pamphletary publication, edited by E.L.T. Mesens. One of 2000 copies on vélin d'édition. Poems by Breton, Char, Eluard, Henry, Péret, Mesens, Moro and Rosey; illustrations by Magritte, Dali, Brauner, Tanguy, Ernst, Marcel Jean, Arp and Giacometti. A photograph by Man Ray was used for the cover. This provocation of the surrealists in favour of Violette Nozières during her trial didn't produce the planned effect, as the books sent to Corti, the French distributor, were seized at the border and sale was prohibited in France. This makes the book rarer than the print-run would suggest.
José Pierre, Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives (1922-1969) Tome 1. Paris: Eric Losfeld, 1980, pp.246-262